
Fred Pope. Click on the lunch at the bottom and you will find the landscape plan.

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Today JAX officials/residents should walk out in the sun for a few minutes and then walk in the shade of a tree for another few. Case closed. And NO palm trees!!! Keep going, Sherry!

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As usual, you have nailed it Sherry. I would add a couple practical points. Tree maturity could be accelerated by going the extra mile with proper storm water tree wells. Unless Public Works and the Parks Dept have recently changed their protocol, they are planting urban trees simply with improved drainage and upgraded soil. Trees planted in a deep, expansive concrete tree well with a storm water run off and retention system, remain healthier and grow faster. The concrete elements of the tree well train the roots to grow down and deep rather than horizontally which cracks sidewalks and interferes with other underground utilities. Of course this is more expensive but we get away with the current approach because cabbage palms do ok without the extra care. So this is a classic case of pay me now or pay me later. https://nacto.org/publication/urban-street-stormwater-guide/stormwater-elements/green-stormwater-elements/stormwater-tree/

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Oh Jacksonvillle, will you ever "get it"?

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Landscape Plan is too blurry to read. Where can I go to download a readable copy?

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