DIA should think about relocating the projection idea to the new James Weldon Johnson park location, leave our river view alone.

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Perhaps the projector will be focused into the dining room of the brilliant water's edge restaurant.

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This is almost laughable! The DIA is ALWAYS pulling one over on Jacksonville. TWO million dollars? How and where did it come from? But mostly WHY? How will this "PROJECT" be funded? Who will pay for the up- keep? Who will man the projection booth? Is this another full time funded job? Where will the projectors be located on this little bit of land that soon cannot be even called a park. These decisions have been made in the dark without even a HINT!!!! Perhaps this is why the trees were felled??! This "LIGHTS ALL NIGHT" proposal is horrifying. Those who make long-term decisions for Jacksonville inevitably aim for the absolute cheesiest options: LYNYRD SKYNYRD? Wouldn't it have been a smart move to take this mysterious $2,000,000.00 and hire professional firms to design what's left of the Landing real estate? Why not have a competition? But the DIA seems determined to SECRETIVELY make decisions that are at best, erratic and even worse, senseless. When is Lori Boyer's term over? I can hardly WAIT

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I agree with you completely, Sherry. And DeSantis would probably want to regulate what can be shown --and when--anyway. We know how much he loves having FL cities decide things for themselves.

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Makes me Weep

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Agree! Let's not guzzy it up like Friendship Fountain. I prefer the simple sound of splashing and the appearance of natural water.

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