Bravo Sherry. Waterfront cities all over the country are cashing in by creating well-managed and appealing downtown waterfront parks with vibrant riverwalks, intriguing art, shade trees, eating opportunities, play areas, activities. Apartments and condos are built AROUND these parks. These destination parks attract visitors - both locals and tourists. They have dramatically revitalized downtowns and the return on investment is astonishing. It seems that if we build a compelling linear park space with a wide, inviting riverwalk, on the public land along our downtown Northbank, inviting all people to enjoy our beautiful river, everyone benefits!

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So articulate. As a midwesterner the idea that the river is not seen as an oasis is a truly spectacular “ miss”.

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Sherry, you captured the essence of the message from ‘this small fringe group’! Well done as always. Thank you for your leadership!

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With the recent news that DIA is terminating its discussions with the Atkins organization’s Laura Street Trio, I fear the deterioration of the buildings will occur faster and faster, until demolition for safety becomes their fate. At which point another parking lot will become the design plan.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Jacksonville is on the path to bicker over its historic urban core’s architectural wonders until demolition and asphalt horizontal development became a reality.

Meanwhile we’ve committed to spending $775 million of taxpayer money for stadium upgrades at Shad Khan’s request. Over the 30 year agreement, with 12 home gains a year, and allowing six hours per game, the hours played will total 2,160.

That comes to a cost to taxpayers of $358,000 per hour for the Jaguars to play in the taxpayer’s stadium. I hope the city budget includes a line item for football entertainment expenditure of $25,000,000 per year!

Meanwhile, the profits to be made from this entertainment expenditure will accrue to Mr Khan.

Surely there’s a stronger basis for preserving our historic urban core for 24/7/365 use over subsidizing 72 hours a year of entertainment to the tune of $25 million a year.

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Well folks - it was a post-debate worrisome wake-up for sure - BUT - we have vision, imagination, voice and hope for creating a better downtown environment.

Thank you very much Sherry - your commentary was just the tonic that our morning needed.

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Thank you for this superior alternate vision. I applaud the integrity to all that makes this city great. A tree-lined Laura Street from JWJ to a park/playground on the Riverfront… Would that be the worst thing?

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